Monday, December 10, 2012

How we are affected by technology

In this video Steve Jobs, deceased inventor and owner of apple, tells us how technology has affected our lives. He talks about the communication available now and how iTunes has affected us. He tells us how our technology is used as tools to help us in our everyday life. How we can take videos now at college and go back and takes notes on what our professor has taught us.

In this picture is shows an old computer. It shows how much our technology has changed over the years. This is a very old computer. It used to be used in past years, now we have much better technology that we use. Computers have changed very much over the years. This was the most popular computer in Sweden. More than 10,000 of these were sold in less than 2 years.

 This is a modern day computer. It is an apple product. It shows us how much computers have changed over the years. They have changed in looks and also they have better software and can do and accomplish many more things. They have faster speed and they can hold a lot more storage. Computers these days are so wonderful and amazing. It’s amazing what they can do.  

I chose this picture because I believe it shows all the different possibilities and uses for today’s technology. It shows how technology affects our business world and education. Technology is so helpful with education and business these days. It makes things much easier and helps us understand different things. Schools are starting to use ipads and other technology  instead of textbooks.

In this video, this woman is explaining how technology can affect us. It is a wonderful thing but it could also be a bad thing. People use technology to bully others and cause fights. You can also get viruses on your computer or you could possibly get hacked. You must be careful when using the internet, be careful what websites you go to and who you communicate with. 

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