
While doing my blog project I have learned a lot about computers. I have learned how helpful they are. How they have affected our business world, communication, entertainment, education, finding out news, and they even help with weather prediction. We are so blessed in today’s world. With computers we can get things done so much faster and more efficiently. If computers did not exist our world would be much harder to manage and keep organized.

I actually enjoyed doing this project. It was difficult at times, but I learned so much about computers and how blessed we are these days. The technology we have today affects our lives so much.

Some people use computers for just entertainment, others use them for education or business. We probably would not be able to function today without the use of computers. They are used in so many ways in business. People get their work done much faster with computers.

Computers have also changed in so many ways over the years. One way they have changed is in size, most of the older computers were very bulky. Now computers are much smaller and easier to handle. Another way they have changed is interface, you used to have to know the commands and enter them into the computer, now all you have to do is click a button. They have also changed in speed, they have drastically changed in speed. The older computers were much slower and the new computers are much faster. The last way they have changed is for storage. You used to have to have disks to keep storage, now you can just save your stuff to your computer. These are just a few of the many ways computers have changed.

As you can see computers are vital to our society. They help us accomplish many things and are an amazing invention.

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